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The Joshua Project: Strengthening Faith for Future Generations

Maintaining a strong spiritual foundation within the family can be challenging in today's fast-paced, anti-God, world. The Joshua Project, spearheaded by Janis Hutchinson provides a comprehensive approach to nurturing faith in children and grandchildren by focusing on passing on personal testimonies of God. Based on God’s plan for parents and grandparents given to Joshua, this effective and compelling method will build a lasting legacy of faith. This article explores these practical tips for strengthening family faith and addresses common questions about the Joshua Project.


What is The Joshua Project?


The Joshua Project, created by Janis Hutchinson, is a visionary initiative with step-by-step instructions and illustrations designed to help families strengthen their spiritual legacy by using Joshua’s three strategies and transmitting methods on how to present, preserve, and pass on their faith effectively through verbalization (personal testimonies), writing (written method that survives beyond one’s demise), and creating physical memorials in the home designed to generate faith questions. The project's core mission is to equip parents and grandparents with the tools and strategies needed to pass on their faith effectively. By integrating personal testimonies and biblical principles of God's word into children’s everyday lives, the Joshua Project seeks to build a robust foundation of faith in younger generations.


Passing on Testimonies of God


One of the most powerful ways to build faith in children and grandchildren is by sharing personal testimonies of God’s work. Testimonies serve as living proof of God’s presence and influence in our lives. They provide tangible examples of faith and divine intervention, making abstract concepts more relatable and real for younger audiences.


Why are Personal Testimonies of God–important  to pass on  to children and grandchildren?

Authenticity: Personal stories of faith are authentic and relatable. They help children and grandchildren understand that faith is not just a set of rules but a lived experience.


Inspiration: Hearing about God's work in the lives of family members establishes God’s reality and inspires children to seek a personal relationship with Him and to remain steadfast against the influences of today’s unstable world.


Connection: Testimonies help build a spiritual connection between generations, fostering a sense of continuity and shared belief.

Biblical Strategies to Strengthen Faith in Children


Strengthening faith in children involves more than just occasional church attendance; it requires intentional, biblical strategies. The Joshua Project outlines several key approaches with step-by-step instructions and illustrations.


Incorporate Faith into Daily Routines

Integrate biblical teachings into everyday activities. Discuss Bible stories and personal testimonies during meals, incorporate prayers into daily routines, and apply biblical principles to everyday decisions. This constant reinforcement helps children see faith as a natural part of their lives.


Model a Faithful Life:  Faith-building in children and grandchildren

Demonstrating a life of faith through your actions, choices, and responses teaches them about God’s principles more effectively than words alone. Your behavior serves as a living example of faith in action.


Encourage Regular Bible Reading: Establish a routine for Bible reading and study. 

This can be done through age-appropriate Bible stories, devotionals, or family Bible study sessions. Regular engagement with Scripture helps children develop a personal connection with God and understand His teachings more deeply.


Create a Faith-Focused Environment: Surround children with faith-oriented influences. 

This includes Christian books, music, activities reinforcing spiritual values, and parents’ and grandparents’ faith testimonies. A faith-focused environment supports and enhances their spiritual development.


Practical Tips for Strengthening Family Faith


Building a strong spiritual foundation within the family requires practical actions and ongoing efforts. Here are some tips inspired by the Joshua Project:


Hold Family Devotions:    


Set aside dedicated time for family devotions. This can be a time for reading Scripture, discussing its relevance, and praying together as a family. Regular prayer helps children feel supported and connected to God, creating a rhythm of faith and open lines of communication about spiritual matters. It also provides opportunities to teach them about the importance of communication with God.


Celebrate Faith Milestones: 


Recognize and celebrate significant spiritual milestones, such as baptisms, confirmations, or personal achievements in faith. These celebrations reinforce the importance of faith and motivate continued spiritual growth.


Encourage Open Dialogue: 


Foster an environment where children feel comfortable asking questions about faith. Provide thoughtful, age-appropriate answers to their queries using the Bible and incorporating Joshua’s three methods, encouraging them to explore and understand their beliefs more deeply.


Engage in Acts of Service: 


Participate in service projects together as a family. Volunteering or helping others demonstrates the practical application of faith and instills a sense of compassion and responsibility in children.


Pray Together Regularly: 


Establish a routine of praying together as a family. Regular prayer helps children feel supported and connected to God. It also provides opportunities to teach them about the importance of communication with God.




Guided by Janis Hutchinson, The Joshua Project offers essential resources and guidance for bolstering family faith. By emphasizing the sharing of personal testimonies of God and applying Joshua’s three biblical strategies, it supports families in creating a lasting spiritual legacy. Practical tips and deliberate efforts nurture children's and grandchildren's faith, ensuring that this legacy endures through generations.



 FAQ of The Joshua Project


1. What makes the Joshua Project unique?


The Joshua Project stands out due to its comprehensive approach to faith-building by using a modern update of Joshua’s plan for the family. It combines personal testimonies, biblical strategies, and practical tips to create a holistic framework for passing faith to future generations. Janis Hutchinson's successful first-hand experience of using this plan with her own family makes the project particularly impactful.


2. Why is the Joshua Project significant to parents and grandparents?


Families are facing an epidemic crisis with their youth. Today’s post-truth culture, with its mythologizing of God and denigration of absolutes, is destroying faith and sweeping tweens, teens, and young adults into moral and spiritual chaos. This book presents a powerful biblical tool many Christian families are neglecting—the sharing of personal faith stories through verbalizing, creating memorials that will provoke questions, and utilizing modern technology to perpetuate the testimonies in written form to influence future generations. The Joshua Project will strengthen children’s faith persuasively and compellingly.


3. Why are personal testimonies important in faith-building?


Personal testimonies are important because they provide authentic and relatable examples of God’s work. They inspire and connect children to the reality of faith, making abstract concepts more tangible and meaningful. They can equip present and future generations to have an unshakeable faith in God’s reality, substantiate scriptural promises, and empower them to contend against persuasive pressures challenging them. Testimonies can help build a sense of spiritual continuity across generations.


4. What are some effective ways to engage children in Bible reading?


Effective ways to engage children in Bible reading include using age-appropriate Bible stories, interactive devotionals, and incorporating Bible reading into daily routines. Making Bible study enjoyable and relevant helps children develop a personal interest in Scripture and its teachings. The addition of personal testimonies by parents and grandparents confirms the truths contained in the Bible stories


5. What are some effective ways to share testimonies?


The Joshua Project instructs parents and grandparents on how to employ the updated version of Joshua’s three strategies in testifying of God by combining verbalization, writing, and creating memorials. The first of the three methods, “verbalizing,” is to “Talk about them when you are at home and when you are on the road, when you are going to bed and when you are getting up” (Deut. 6:7–8). The second is creating physical memorials, as Joshua did at the miraculous crossing of the River Jordan when he set up special stones. Memorials present the opportunity to verbalize the faith story the memorials represent. The third, “writing,” is to make sure your written testimonies of selected faith stories will survive your demise by using modern-day methods that will influence future generations.



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